Living With Dingy or Damaged Windows?

Depend on us for window repair services in Wayland, Portage, MI or the surrounding areas

If you have a gorgeous landscape, you want to be able to see it whenever you look outside. Unfortunately, that's hard to do with worn-out windows. That's where Green Built Roofing comes into play. We offer window repair services in and around Wayland or Portage, MI. If we find that repairs won't cut it, we can provide professional window installations. Our windows are Energy Star-rated and energy-efficient, so you won't be disappointed with your new windows.

Types of windows we repair and install

You have a lot of options to choose from for your professional window installation. Each of the window types is factory direct, so there's no middleman. You can ask us to install:

Vinyl windows
Steel windows
Wood windows

We work with brands like Alliance, Anderson, Simonton and Pella for all repairs and installations. Contact us today to arrange for window repair services. We'll be sure to provide you with a free estimate before we start.